[大姆指尋找馬蘭頭]四千幾字。再講一次點解我冇教書。而明顯如果我仲教緊書,會比而家更富貴,但我全無後悔。因為而家過癮好多,教書就冇呢個 Page,就冇你地了。大吉利是我死撚咗,咪得一百幾十個學生加一百幾十個舊生唔開心。而家唔同,「Patreon畀咗年費嗰啲一定記得我」
告個急先:Ivan已被炒,已成失業人士。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 一星期至少出返六篇文.月頭訂最抵!月費80
1. 之前寫過「安雅會談」(https://lkdin.io/3LYM)(唔睇舊文當全新故事聽亦得),反應唔太好,睇返篇文的確麻麻地。咁點?寫多次!呢間「大姆指」執笠(做埋呢幾日),注定我要寫多次「安雅會談」。
2. 實在唔想雙春悲秋咁寫咩「一個時代嘅終結」,亦唔係咩「童年回憶」。但的確,如果我成咗名,第時就會有人去呢度尋找返我足跡。正如《緬甸尋找奧威爾》一樣,我去仙台尋找魯迅(https://lkdin.io/3LYN),亦都去東京明治神官野球場尋找村上春樹(仲去埋神戶嘅Pinocchio酒吧)(*)。呢間咁嘅「大姆指」,係我唔教書走去做金融嘅轉捩點,然後就差不多廿年。一切就由呢度開始。再講一次,我成咗名,呢度就變景點。
3. 上次寫「我自信有日如願 縱使天高地厚 仍被我逆轉」(https://fbook.cc/3NSr),反應不錯。第一日返工同我食飯嘅三個中學同學,到我Last Day又在同一個地方同我食。當中科學家L君而家正職渣鑊鏟副業補習天王,T君同我一樣做金融,呢篇文會再出場。
4. 冇人係一出世想做金融的,正如冇人一出世想渣鑊鏟。我個年代嘅新界牛屎仔,係冇咁嘅嘢的。聽聞早前啲小朋友話細細個想做ibanker,我覺得真係錯撚晒。你不如想大個做雞丫。我知職業無分貴賤笑貧不笑娼,但都真係唔使立志的。而家啲小朋友好似話想做KOL 或者想搞 Start up,「仲衰過做雞」「等於畀人免費上」。
5. 我地年代嘅我的志願,都係嗰幾味,科學家啦,醫生啦,運動員都有嘅,歌星就多數唔敢寫落文。而我地幾個,唔係虛偽到會寫我的志願做教師咁刷鞋(我唔同虛偽嘅人為伍)—但偏撚偏就齊齊教撚晒書!命運就係咁神奇。一路都好相信「大家命中注定成為自己細個討厭嘅人」,雖然冇乜科學根據。
6. 點解我地教咗書?我都唔知,但又係偶然中嘅必然。肯定唔係由細到大嘅理想,但玄啲講,唔係我地選擇咗教書,係教書選擇咗我地。我地三人,共通點冇乜,但都可以勉強搵:三大畢業啦(**),唔靚仔啦(重要,因為求職),不太presentable 啦,有啲稜角啦,憤世嫉俗啦。正面啲嘅?叫做鍾意睇書啦,成績還不錯啦—呢啲咁嘅 Profile,加埋2003年沙士嘅就業市場,去咗教書,真係十分合理。提返你,當其時一個GM(學位教師,但有學位嘅唔一定係學位教師,而而家做得學位教師既又好少冇學位),萬八定萬九蚊人工。
7. 而早少少,因為佢兩位介紹,我甚至有在元朗教夜校嘅經驗。(而家仲有冇夜校?)。教會考班呀,好似五舊水定一千一晚?但一個星期好似得一兩晚。最頂癮係,本人就教數學物理,L加就教化學生物,T君就英文經濟—You see?根本成間嘢就係我地三條友教晒
8. 總之,2003年夏天,我地三個都叫做教緊書,就在呢度舉行咗,改變咗我地各自生命嘅,安雅會談。至少係改變咗我。
9. 2003年嘅夏天,沙士嘛。第個唔知,我真係悶出鳥來,但又好似冇固定女朋友。沙士一早停課,我當年教中五中七,噢耶,停完課就study leave,之後佢地就考試。我白白玩咗半年手指拎咗半年人工,日日在屋企睇有線播友坂里惠嘅金田一,以及打紅白機模擬器。悶到好似日本料理咁出汁。
10. 我嘅生命,亦係差不多。2003年,25歲。拖拍過,愛做過(咪話1998年2月14號港大太古堂801室下格床咯,我成咗名就有人返去打卡!),書教過,歐洲去過,日本未去過,儲蓄係零,甚至負(少量卡數),拎緊萬八萬人工。工作經驗?亦係零,甚至負。真的,對非教書嘅工嚟講,你教書嘅經驗等於零,甚至負—因為啲人覺得教書嘅人都忽忽地,同社會脫節—事實亦係。理想?冇。夢想?冇。同期啲同學?樓都買埋。仔都生埋。你三條友去食大姆指。
11. 但你當係棋局,或者牌局咁,嗰時我地副牌雖然唔太好,但都仲係開頭初頭,勝在仲有無窮可能,仲可以搏同花順。而家呢?大家42歲,牌開咗唔少,冇想像中咁爛,唔係十三不搭 積 pair—無—無 但亦知道冇乜可能有咩大牌食得出,至少我冇。
12. 我由頭到尾都係個比較保守嘅人(風險厭惡度,唔係講性觀念)。安雅會談之前嘅幾年,即係我畢業後,喂大佬,我真係想搵份兩皮嘢嘅工架咋。請恥笑,當時我以為我可以做一世的。咁到安雅會談嘅2003年,教緊書啦,萬八九人工,年年加,兩三四皮根本指日可待。串啲講句,老校個計劃有我,我肯騾仔嘅,SGM(傳說中嘅「主任」)位,必有我份。咁你可以睇下一個SGM幾錢人工。嚇撚死你呀
13. 所以,當時我嘅想法,一定係「唔好搞咁多嘢啦」。「我個個月拎份糧去供盈富基金好過啦」(***)。
14. 但,嗰次安雅會談,不著邊際吹咗一輪水後,朋友T忽然間嚟咗句:「拿,咁之後點先?」。朋友L當然都係答「屌佢老味梗係玩撚大佢啦」,但我當然都係「慢慢儲下子彈先」「拿我過幾年SGM架啦,唔好搞咁多嘢啦」「拿個個月供下盈富基金咪好咯」
15. 然後,朋友T對我呢啲答案唔多滿意。佢嘅特色係會迫人埋牆角,佢唔接受我呢啲和稀泥嘅答案。你人生為乜?為錢嘛,講,幾多?為女人嘛,咁講,想要乜?(係咪好似啲乜乜正能量課程咁呢!我們要乜?要錢要女人!幾時要?現在就要!)
16. 真的,佢無啦啦,同我講起安雅。你自己Google邊個係安雅,應該嗰期出事畀人拉咗。我好奇怪佢會同我講起安雅,因為朋友T向來都唔多講呢啲女色嘅話題。但佢就係話我知,拿,你咁搞落去呢,畀你SGM,安雅都係 out of reach的。我想想,好似有啲道理。
17. 然後佢話我知,一切都應該量化—先有個目標。就當你晚晚要搞明星,咁你咪計下要幾錢,然後計個discounted cash flow.
18. 原諒呢啲對話咁物化女性,我好肯定朋友T係為咗投我所好先咁講的。但大家真係唔好錯重點,重點根本唔止係安唔安雅,事隔十年,係連詩雅又好,衞詩雅又好,根本不重要。安雅就只係一個token,一個icon,一個dummy variable,一個placeholder.佢就代表住所有慾望嘅投射。名利權色,酒色財氣,貪嗔癡,求不得苦。
19. 咁,我係人嘛,人就梗係有慾望架啦。咁咪去追求點滿足呢啲慾望咯(係咯,啲色魔好似都係咁諗嘢的)。
20. 無論如何,並唔係好似拍戲咁,第二日我就返學辭職,另外仲發生咗唔少事。但總之,之後嗰年,2004年嘅7月2日(咩日子?我25歲生日嘅翌日,舊文有講),我就在慈雲山學校村保良局何蔭棠中學部電梯,當住個女同事面(冇錯,早排見報嗰位!),同校長(亦冇錯!早幾年見報嗰位!)辭咗職。
21. 2004年9月1日(咁你都要問點解9月1日?),夏愨道美國銀行中心21樓招商銀行香港分行,我就開始咗金融界嘅第一份工。如果係拍續集嘅,會見到我同一個光頭鬼佬刷身而過,嗰條鬼佬就係後來我在耆英證券嘅老細 占士咖啡—冇錯,嗰時耆英證券仲係在美國銀行中心。
22. 要解釋我點解唔教書去咗做銀行,都真係有啲難,有唔少唔同嘅事件。有人以為我追搣時不遂所以唔教書—前半啱,但我只係打算離開教嗰緊學校啫,我大可以去第間教。後來見工都總有人問,我總會有答案,嗰啲中環廢話你都唔想聽,但唔係完全假 — 我假假地讀精算,又Master in Financial Mathematics,中環都未返過,就甘心在學校村,同班友玩宮心計 奶校長屎忽 (仲要幾臭下)摶SGM然後好彩升副校做埋校長咁一世?
23. 定係我地可以試下啲其他嘢?
24. 如果講我只係貪戀中環嘅酒色財氣,又好似講得太簡單。不如我用個全新角度講,過癮。做人嘅嘢,最緊要好玩。人其實天生賓放貪玩。
25. 我早早已經決定唔做精算師,應該話佢早早排除吴我,主要係我冇能力,亦冇興趣,我冇能力嘅嘢我自然冇興趣,令我生活冇咁痛苦。T君嗰時已經話,得罪講句,你唔做精算師,對個世界冇乜損失。的確如此,雖然如果我做到,我可能會畀而家更有錢。但個重點係:冇咗 埃汾ASA FSA,呢個世界係唔會有丁點不同的
26. 然後,教書。同好多人估嘅唔同,根據合理估計,如果我一路教緊書,我而家嘅身家應該更豐厚 —留意我講身家,即係net worth,唔係收入。因為,如果我一路教緊書,無論如何我點都會2005或2006年買樓(****),但現實中嘅我2013年先買,呢度已爭一截。再加上我唔會出現啲轉工或被炒要沽股票之類。
27. 冇錯,我就係話你知,根本就唔係因為錢,正好相反。我仲教書嘅,而家一定更多錢—但我嘅人生一定少好多樂趣,你地都少好多樂趣,因為根本唔撚會有君子馬蘭頭。我啲教書嘅朋友,自己Facebook 都唔多敢講嘢。如果我唔教書嘅,社會有少少損失,但我嘅人生就冇咁過癮,你地亦睇少好多嘢。
28. 所以最後,好似而家咁,幾咁好呢?我照樣可以春風化乳 有教無淚 誨人好倦將啲後生仔打成一片片。錢係少咗啲,但過癮嘛!大家話係咪?
29. To sum up:做精算師Ivan Li ASA FSA嘅(當我做到先啦),錢多過而家,但生活冇咁過癮,對社會貢獻係零。
30. 做李老師 附加數學科主任 李蛇 PGDE(*****),錢都係多過而家,生活更加冇癮,對社會貢獻有些少,但只係我教嘅一百幾十個學生,教廿年三十年,咪幾千個,記得你嘅有冇七十二個?
31. 而家變咗 馬蘭頭CFA嘅,錢真係冇以上兩個選擇咁多。但,好撚過癮!最重要係,對個社會有貢獻。我Patreon寫文嘅宗旨,呢度都講下:好彩嘅你會贏到錢,但贏唔到錢至少你都學到嘢—就算worst case你學唔到嘢,你都會有啖笑下嘛!
32. 再換個方法講,我係精算師,我死撚咗,有誰關心?冇。我係教師,我死撚咗,有誰關心?有嘅,我未失敗到啲學生要開香檳。但而家我死咗,呢度都話晒一萬幾千人關心我喎(當然仲有Patreon啲讀者)(特別係畀咗年費嗰啲!)。而反正,呢度唔少讀者,咪就係我以前嘅學生咯!(******)
33. 正如我呢度寫咗5000字,為乜?唔通為錢?當然係為過癮。呢個亦係我同好多金融人唔同嘅地方。
34. 錢當然重要,但過癮都好重要,最好就當然係why not both.所以我開咗個Patreon,係我一生人做得有啲成績嘅三件事合理:Writing, Teaching, Finance。正係WTF
35. 村上春樹式,有頭有尾,或者套戲交代返啲人物嘅現實結局咁。呢間嘢,燉奶佬集團,係十分之咁難食嘅。即使在美食地獄嘅屯門市中心,都真係劣中之劣,我已經好多年冇再食呢間嘢,反而你話咩太興 麥當勞 MOS Burger 大家樂 大快活我都食。但當年,一來可能未係咁難食,二來可能當時未食咁多好嘢。我相信係前者。無論如何,一間咁嘅嘢,可以屹立在時代廣場(屯門啦仆街,你不如問係咪紐約丫)廿五年,都真係一個奇跡。幾多人你想佢死佢都未死?幸好,我地三個嘅友誼,都outlast咗呢間劣食,已經三十年朋友,and still counting,For auld lang syne(然後諗起《無間道2》智叔吹口琴)
(*)村上春樹鐵粉會知,啲友年年在嗰度睇諾貝爾文學獎結果,年年落空,十足十等安踏(2020)入藍籌咁 – 咦?!所以我話你知,村上春樹今年會拎諾貝爾文學獎。
(**)我到而家都覺得發明「三大」呢個講法嘅香港科技大學,應該拎諾貝爾數學獎。我當然知諾貝爾冇數學獎啦,講Fields medal你咪又係 Google,咪又係要我括住「等同數學嘅諾貝爾獎」
(***)真的,當時我已經有月供盈富基金!早過龔成!當時只係想買架車,所以當時叫做「Lancer基金」,後來目標越嚟越遠大,我話會變咗做「港女基金」,「新芬基金」甚至「移民基金」—結果都一一畀我做到,港女泡咗 芬結咗 民移咗。都話「我自信有日如願縱使天高地厚仍被我逆轉」,下一步,終極版,就係「勞蘇基金」。
(****)點解係2005/2006年買?好簡單,嗰時有個rule of thumb,話教書嘅人,頭三年唔走,就之後教一世。因為人工太高,同埋同出面脫節。我2002年開始教書,計做GM就2003年。
(******)都係忍唔住講。N年前有舊生帶我去唱K,真係十分之咁尊師重道,另外過時過節佢就send 啲乜乜流出相畀我,都唔使我開聲,呢啲咪好學生。又,其實我有幾個學生做咗O靚模,可惜佢地從來都唔嚟搵下我,嗚。見字記得PM我
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Farewell. Ida – Ida Haendel 192?-2020
So Ida has left us – a legend has departed. What a violinist! What a woman! Magnificent, unique, incorrigible – she was a law unto herself.
First, the playing: a film about her was aptly entitled: ‘I AM the Violin.’ And she was! The violin was her life; she mastered it, devoted so much of her existence to it, cared so much about it. Every performance was an event, which she took absolutely seriously, giving each concert her all. She spoke through her violin, proved herself through it, lived within the music she made. She was a marvel, an icon; each note she played was the result of total conviction – and as a consequence was totally convincing. She had been groomed from the beginning to be a star – and a star she was.
But she was also an adorable person. I had heard of her, of course, from my childhood onwards – hadn’t everybody? But I didn’t meet her until - I think - 2000, when I attended a memorable recital she gave at the Wigmore Hall (apparently her debut there!), concluding with a magisterial performance of Enescu’s 3rd sonata. I’d heard, to my delight, that she’d heard me somewhere, and had liked it, so I dared to go backstage afterwards. Having enthused about her playing, I rather uncertainly told her that I was Steven. She looked at me disbelievingly. ‘You’re NOT’ she announced, in her wonderful deep voice. I assured her that I certainly had been last time I looked in the mirror. She accepted this, and proposed that we play the Brahms Double together. It was such an honour; but alas, I just couldn’t do the dates she suggested.
I came across her shortly thereafter, however, at the Verbier Festival. I’d seen that she was giving masterclasses there, so when I saw her, I asked how they were going. She looked at me severely. ‘Steven,’ she boomed, wagging her finger. ‘I don’t teach.’ I was puzzled; she was, after all, advertised as the teacher of the violin class. ‘So you like teaching?’ I said, provoking her. The finger wagged again. ‘Steven,’ she repeated with equal seriousness, ‘I don’t teach.’ ‘So how’s the teaching going?’ I asked. Her finger was on its way in my direction, and she’d started to say my name in the same tone of voice – when suddenly her face broke into a big smile. ‘Oh – so you’re a tease,’ she said. After that, we got on famously. My other main memory of that Verbier encounter was of her examining something – I couldn’t see what - in the hotel lobby, and then calling me over. It turned out that the object in her hands was an album of recent photos of her. ‘Look, Steven,’ she commanded urgently. ‘Don’t I look gorgeous?’
Later, we took her to dinner near her flat in London. Tottering through the streets in her high heels, she suddenly came to a stop in front of a (closed) clothes shop, where either a pair of gold shoes or a gold dress (I can’t remember which) had caught her eye. It was impossible to budge her, late though we were for the restaurant. ‘Wouldn’t I look wonderful in that?’ she asked us challengingly. We agreed that she would. ‘I’m coming back here tomorrow morning,’ she assured us. She spoke that night about her appearance. ‘You think I dress like this just to go out?’ she asked. ‘No! Catch me at breakfast – I’ll look just the same.’ Her pride in her appearance was never-changing. Perhaps in someone else it could have been too much – but with Ida, it was wonderful, admirable; life-affirming, in fact, like her pride in her playing.
It is funny that already I’ve seen two obituaries giving her age five years apart. She’d certainly have preferred the younger estimate… It was impossible to get the truth out of her. I remember asking another glorious violinist-character, Lorand Fenyves, whether he knew Ida. ‘Oh yes, of course!’ he replied. ‘I knew her when I was 16 and she was 15.’ He paused. ‘And now I’m 80 and’ his eyes twinkled, ‘she’s 55!’
Although we never got to play the Brahms Double together, we did perform the Beethoven Triple concerto with Martha Argerich and the Rotterdam Philharmonic under the then little-known Yannick Nezet-Seguin in (I think) 2006. Now THAT was an experience – to put it rather mildly… Playing with those two way-larger-than-life ladies was something not to be forgotten; the two adored each other, and it was great fun to witness their interaction. Ida had only played the piece once before, as I remember; but she played it with utter conviction. And Martha was – well, Martha. And Yannick kept the whole thing together, somehow. So – it was special…
It was supposed to happen again, in Miami (where Ida lived); but alas, it didn’t. Still, I kept in touch with Ida and on one memorable occasion got to interview her at the Wigmore Hall (there’s a recording of that occasion on Youtube). She also came down to Prussia Cove once for three days, her visit culminating in a breathtaking account of the Bach Chaconne (she sported an almost equally breathtaking dress to match!) at the Hall for Cornwall. We also played and taught/didn’t teach together in 2010 at the Summit Music Festival, just outside New York. That was another unforgettable experience. At the concert that concluded the festival, Ida played virtuoso pieces with the orchestra that would have been impressive in someone thirty years younger – even younger – than she was. But equally Ida-ish was the post-concert experience. For some reason, it got very late, and it was well after midnight when we were taken in search of food. Not surprisingly, there were few options in the countryside at that time of night; but eventually we found a 24-hour diner. We went in and occupied a table. Looking around at the bikers and other rather unpredictable-looking types, I was a tad nervous; not Ida. I fortified myself with a margarita; she had tea. At one point, the conversation turned to Schumann, and his 2nd violin sonata (which at that time I didn’t know very well). I asked a question about it. ‘You want to hear how it goes?’ Ida demanded to know. She strode over to her violin-case, pulled out the violin, and to the astonishment (and then, luckily the delight) of the assembled company, began to play it. A photo taken at the time (below) shows me a little less than comfortable – and her absolutely in her element.
Oh, Ida. By the last time I spoke to her – too long ago, but not that long ago – I’d heard that she’d become very forgetful, so wasn’t quite sure whether to call her or not. But I dialled anyway, and the phone was answered. ‘Hello, Ida?” ‘Who is it?’ ‘It’s Steven – Steven Isserlis.” Silence – then the phone went dead. Oh dear. I tried again. This time I was able to hold her attention long enough to remind her who I was. We started to talk, and as the conversation progressed, she evidently remembered more and more about our friendship. It was true that she repeated herself a lot; but still – she was very much Ida, the same wonderful voice, the same love of life.
And now she’s gone. Farewell, Ida the legend; we humanoids will miss you – but thank you, thank you for giving us so much. Everything, in fact.
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😎 Yep, I am teaching u how to use MY WEBSITE via cellphone!
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🔥 當初我因為痞客邦實在太難找資料, 也有蓋版廣告的困擾, 我直接請網站工作室架一個自架站, 我現在來教你們如何用手機版. 請把手機拿出來吧!
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This quick 30 seconds tutorial I am teaching you how to import / install .MOGRT files or Motion Graphics Template files quickly without any distractions.
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In this Premiere Pro video editing tutorial we are teaching you how ot use our Preset to get a Glossy Shine effect on your Logo or Title.
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Happy Lunar New Year cuties! Get your rice ready and have fun with this DIY scrub and mask :) All these beauty tips were taught to me by my Mother, so now I'm passing this knowledge to you. Love you and good luck! - Mish
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